Saturday, August 13, 2005

Lewdness in Lexington

Lexington hit the headlines some three years ago with the amazing news that a woman had been paid $9,000 to have a baby by one of two homosexual partners so “they” (not the woman) could be parents. The births were reported to have been accomplished, using the sperm of one of the men, through artificial insemination, but there were four babies instead of the one which was expected, if luck held. About a year and a half later and for another $9,000, the same woman, married and with three children of her own, went through the same process for the other “parent,” who, according to the first guy, somewhere along the way invited a third guy into their living arrangements, homosexual lifetime commitments being what they are, perhaps a rather generic sort of thing.

The Lexington Herald-Leader played the stories for all they were worth, the birth account occupying a huge part of the front page (as most any newspaper would have done), making another huge display, for instance, when the quads were baptized. However, there has been a seamy side to the story from the very beginning, as one might expect besides the fact of the matter itself, and the two “parents” have had at each other in the courts, one even getting an emergency-protective order against the other at one time. Indeed, another male paramour of the “second parent” even had a finger chewed once during a fight, according to the paper, apparently masticated by the “second parent” a la the Mike Tyson ear-chewing exercise. There’s at least a 50% chance a guy won’t get bopped by an opponent in a fight if he has at least one of the other guy’s hands in his mouth…just plain common sense.

To its credit, the Herald-Leader, also in a front-page, above-the-fold account, has laid out the whole sorry mess in a recent edition. All has not been Camelot in what was once accounted to be a wholesome, family-type atmosphere, and, indeed, the parent of the quads has removed himself and his four babies to Atlanta. There have been visitation-rights battles between the men, the appeals court telling the “second guy” that he had no legal standing to bring a custody action with respect to the quads. Imagine…custody battles between those two guys when the mother actually has legal custody of all five babies. She, in turn, has petitioned the court to be legally separated from any connection to the quads (therefore having no responsibility for anything pertaining to them), but was denied that little perk, the attorney appointed to represent the babies claiming that the quads needed a mother and father. A little old-fashioned, huh?

Where does the surrogate mother’s husband figure in all this? He seems to be content with the arrangements, although $3,600 per child seems an awfully small amount for the sale of a human, especially considering the tens of thousands of dollars that childless couples routinely pay in order to adopt just one child. As for the mother, she has sullied the concept of motherhood so profoundly as to make reasonable people wonder how she can even think of five members of her flesh and blood being raised by perverts…indeed, normally, a mother would not sit still for anyone else, whether normal or not, raising her children. The initial glorification of these arrangements by the politically correct is now seen for what it is – at least by reasonable people – a degradation of what has been called through the ages by civilized people as virtually sacred…marriage and the family. Lewdness in Lexington. Disgusting.

And so it goes.

Jim Clark

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