Monday, June 11, 2007

Dr. Holsinger...Latter-Day Hitler?

The president recently announced his nomination of UK Medical School professor and former Kentucky health secretary James Holsinger to the post of U.S. Surgeon General. Holsinger is also a retired Army Reserve Major General and has taught in several medical schools, besides serving as Chancellor of the UK Medical Center. He would seem to be the perfect choice with respect to medical and administrative experience.

Terrible problem: The various gay-lesbian outfits consider Dr. Holsinger a homophobe and therefore unqualified for a job that has nothing to do with sexual preference or orientation or whatever else can be used to describe people who use bodily orifices in strange ways, but only with the health and welfare of the citizens. Actually, these folks should be thankful for someone like Holsinger to look out for them, since they do things with their genitals and other body parts that predispose them to exposure to deadly germs in strategic locations. After all, when a component used to discharge impurities is placed in someone else's mouth or rectum there can be a heap of infection, not least among which are things like syphilis and AIDS.

Liberal newspaper outlets such as the McClatchy-owned Lexington Herald-Leader become terribly exercised when there's a perceived threat to the glorification of homosexuality, such as in its published belief that the University of Kentucky has to do special things in order to attract homosexuals to the faculty, since they are among the "brightest and the best," though one wonders about the lack of brainpower necessary to doing anal/oral sex, if, indeed, these procedures are sex. So, the drumbeat has begun. From June 6 through June 10, the newspaper put Holsinger on the front page three times, twice above the fold, obviously making certain that Holsinger is recognized as the very devil itself, a threat to the national well-being and security, and probably should be in jail or some booby-hatch.

The H-L did the same thing – only to a much greater extent – last year, when it took out its wrath on the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Ky., because the school, operating on its well-documented code of conduct, expelled a homosexual, not for being such but for advertising it on the Internet, complete with lurid pictures. This is also what happens in the military. As Yogi would say, "Deja Vu all over again."

Always to be expected when venality is to be remarked is the comparison of a culprit with Adolph Hitler, usually in conjunction with the Holocaust. It would seem hard to do that in this case, involving a man who has spent his career in trying to help people, but H-L cartoonist Joel Pett managed to pull it off in the issue of June 10. In his cartoon is a man who has rolled up his shirt-sleeve so that his admirers can see the number or whatever that's tattooed on his arm, a la the tattooed Jews killed by the millions by the Nazis in World War II. The caption: "Actually, I'm gay…see, here's my tattoo of the new surgeon general's warning about me." It doesn't get any lower than this, but keep watching. The H-L will find a way to outdo even this bit of mockery of both Holsinger and the victims of the Holocaust. One remembers when the paper actually editorially compared former Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott (R.I.P.) to Hitler some years ago.

And so it goes.

Jim Clark

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