Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chandler Drinks the KOOL-AID!

Central Kentucky’s U.S. Representative Ben Chandler drank the Obamessiah KOOL-AID and voted for the Cap-and-Trade bill and is proud of it. Oh yeah…he said he had to struggle about this decision but didn’t mention that he, as was the case with all the rest of the solons, had never read the bill and had no idea what was in it. He never read the “ stimulus bill,” either, before voting on it, so what else is new in Washington these days? Speaker Pelosi crooks her little finger and the lawmakers fall in line.

According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, Chandler said, "When I cast this vote, I thought about my children, their future and the duty all of us have to stewardship. For me, this was a decision that I feel is right and a decision that will, with time, fundamentally change the way our nation and our state produce and use energy, while creating better opportunities for our people." How would he know how the bill would or would not do anything since he never read it and since the democrat leadership made it impossible for a copy (over 300 pages added just during the preceding night) to be available on the House floor so anybody could read it?

All of the latest data developed by top U.S. scientists (not the UN-IPCC gang) indicates that mankind has absolutely no significant effect on global-warming or climate-change or whatever the propaganda crowd calls cyclical climate-conditions these days. Indeed, the planet entered a cooling trend some years ago, forcing the alarmist/opportunists (like Al Gore) to force everything at full-speed-ahead so the public will forget these strong-arm tactics before the elections next year. Indeed, there’s more ocean ice now than there was in 1980.

Both Pelosi and one of the bill’s sponsors, Representative Markey, have significant financial interests in this legislation, which will hasten the country’s journey toward that of Spain, a country that’s passed cap-and-trade and is now experiencing an unemployment rate over 18%. Significantly, both Australia and Japan have turned it down. Senator Kerry was blathering in that chamber of millionaires the other day (thanks to C-Span) that this country absolutely must pass this legislation in order to have the bona fides to change such countries as China and Russia during the big international climate-clambake in Copenhagen next December.

Besides the fact that Kerry is loony-tunes anyway, China and Russia are like sharks circling in the water as they watch Obamessiah and Pelosi – with help from Chandler – deliver the U.S. into their incisors. China is the world’s heaviest polluter but is not even required by the laughable Kyoto treaty, never ratified by this country, to do anything to curb its emissions. Neither is India, with its 1.2 billion – that’s 1,200,000,000 – people, four times as many as in the U.S., filling the atmosphere with stuff…like launching gases is the greatest thing since peanut butter. Russia will enact no restrictions (remember Chernobyl), either, so Chandler is helping put his own country at risk with respect to its position in the world market.

But not to worry, China has only 1.4 billion – that’s a measly 1,400,000,000 people in the midst of building coal-fired electricity plants on practically a daily basis…with no plans to even give a serious thought to global warming or cooling or whatever…certainly not to putting scrubbers in operation – too expensive by half. The Chinese laugh as they watch the exodus of even more industry from this country to theirs, since Obamessiah and Pelosi mean to wreck the U.S. manufacturing base by taxing it to death – with Ben Chandler’s help, of course.

The word on a news program yesterday was that Al Gore stands to become the first billionaire created on the back of this legislation. He already has interests in place to take full advantage of this legislation…helped along by Ben Chandler. The only hope is that there are enough senators with spine – doubtful – to stand up to Obamessiah and say a loud NAY, not on our watch. The scientific facts fly in the face of all this skullduggery, so the question has to do with motive.

The motive seems clear enough. Obamessiah is a product of Barack Obama, Sr. and the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, the touchstones of his books. Obama, Sr. was Muslim, as was Obamessiah’s stepfather. Wright, besides probably also being a closet Muslim like his bosom buddy Calypso Louie Farrakhan, is a genuine America-hater, with no peer in the intensity of that hate. The president is intent on bringing down this country, and a Congress (at least the democrats) that is obviously stupid or a willing accomplice or both is in on the game. Obamessiah is running the banks, other financial institutions, Chrysler, General Motors, and will soon force Ford and Toyota to give up. He means to have it all and at the same time make a total shambles of the economy…a bloodless coup, in other words.

Oh yes…remember! Representative Ben Chandler is in on the game, in the messiah’s pocket.

And so it goes.

Jim Clark

1 comment:

jjt said...

Keep writing! Maybe enough will understand before its too late! Best Wishes!