Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chickens Home to Roost – the TRIAL!

Oh the chickens DO come home to roost. Just weeks ago, NYC Mayor Bloomberg and other New York elitists thought bringing the “9/11 Five” from Guantanamo to the Big Apple for the show trial of a hundred years was a magnificent idea – only a few blocks from where the WTC stood. Most everyone else, except President Obama and Attorney General Holder, of course, who dreamed up this nonsense, thought the decision to be about as loony-tunes as it gets. Their approach: plain common sense, something this administration has never experienced.

Now, it appears, these geniuses are trying to discover another location within the confines of the USA to hold this trial. They’ve been put on notice that the area in which the trial(s) would be held would have to become an armed camp with lawmen and lawwomen stationed everywhere from the ladies toilets to every door/parking-garage to sniper positions on rooftops for blocks. There would be enough ammo in the mix to start a small war. The fat-cat bankers would have to flash IDs just to get to the men’s room, and that fact may have been the main factor in the change since these guys seem to have a strong stake in this administration.

Well...Obama’s from Chicago, so perhaps he’ll campaign for moving the trials there, like he campaigned in Copenhagen for the Olympic Games to be held in the windy city. After all, the USA’s highest-profile Muslim, the Rev. Dr. Honorable Imam Louis “Calypso Louie” Farrakhan holds forth there. Don’t bet the farm. Imagine the corruption alone in just setting up security, not to mention a host of Muslim lawyers double-parking all over the place and looking for outstretched palms in behalf of an “innocent” ruling. What about Holder’s city of birth? Oh no! He was born in New York City but was about to bring down this monstrosity on his own hometown.

Of course, the folks in Chicago could complain for all the same reasons that caused Mayor Bloomberg to see the light...actually another way of saying no city in the USA would want to put up with this invitation to disaster. Every nutcase Muslim suicide/homicide bomber worth his salt everywhere from Indonesia to Nigeria to Saudi Arabia and back again would head for the trial-city, panting like a wildcat after a possum for the 72 virgins via a few miles of blown intestines, theirs and others’.

So...the next best thing would be an army base – maybe. Lots of families live on those army bases, however, and they don’t need to be put in harm’s way. The media would be banging on every gate and its practitioners don’t need to see anything that might be classified. Maybe the “news” helicopters could be kept away, but then the news solons would cry “foul” and scream about the First Amendment. Water-protected Alcatraz might have been okay but it’s been out of commission for decades and is now part of a national park. Besides, holding the trials there only a mile-and-a-half from San Francisco would invite protest parades everyday calling for the assassins’ acquittals account being the victims of hate crimes. Perpetrators and victims are all the same there in Speaker Pelosi’s district.

Of course, there IS a military base that is just perfect for these trials – yep – Guantanamo, and the suckers wouldn’t even have to be moved. In any American city, a mosque, complete with the whining of the muezzins five times a day, would have to be built. After all, even terrorists in USA hands must be treated according to the First Amendment privileges accruing to religion. They’re already allowed to have Korans on Gitmo and face east and pray every day. They can also scream in any trial there, as well, but their propaganda would be behind closed doors, where it belongs.

There aren’t many civilians at Gitmo and the place is already as well-guarded as possible not by policemen but by armed and well-trained soldiers. It’s a part of the USA by the rental agreement, so it’s actually on U.S. soil, where the legal eagles, whether civilian or military, can enforce the law. If Fidel doesn’t like it, he can place his whole army on the other side of the fence and dare any Arabic-looking wanderer to even think about treading Cuban soil.

The media folks wouldn’t like this, although the beaches could be enjoyed; however, old Broadway it’s not. The prexy has said Gitmo would be closed by now, but it’s actually the only reasonable place to put these butchers on trial. Khalid has already pleaded guilty, though upon finding out about the Big Apple as a new home, had a change of mind. Wouldn’t it be easier to just pronounce and carry out the sentence? In the meantime, one can hope that the administration will have an attack of plain common sense.

And so it goes.
Jim Clark

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